
Blog 16 Dec 2015

Darsej Rizaj

7 reasons why your child should learn programming

We are all aware that we are living in a digital age where phones, tablets and computers have flooded every Kosovar home, where they have even managed to invade the lives of children. Just as we teach reading, writing, and math, children today need to learn how to create digital programs, not just use them.

Coding or programming is the art of creating computer games, applications for phones or computers that help implement any profession from Health to running a business. As children grow older, the ability to program will be as fundamental a skill as reading and writing as it is today, no matter what profession they choose to pursue.

Programming is not included in school curriculum, do not let your child fall behind.

Unfortunately in primary and secondary schools, the importance of programming has not yet been introduced as a serious subject by early schooling. This is a problem that now in the US has just been addressed and intensive work is being done to ensure that every school offers the subject of programming with adequate curricula.

Programmers are not just tech experts or engineers

How to mention the word Programmer, most of us have in mind a stereotype of a "Geek", an isolated social expert in the digital world, or a person who works only with computers. This kind of portrayal is not true at all, as people who have coding skills and are not conditionally programmers by profession, have managed to show great success in various scientific fields and have achieved more creative results than their colleagues who have not after coding skills.

Programming is creative and fun

It is amazing to watch an 8 year old spend hours creating his games in Scratch, a children's programming language.

Scratch enables children to play computer games, while at the same time teaching them to program or even enabling them to modify games. As an example, if your child is playing a game on Scratch and he does not like what a certain figure looks like, he can make changes in the game and insert things that look best to him. This allows them to develop their imagination and creativity.

Programming boosts self-confidence

Some children find it difficult when there is pressure from outside to achieve different goals in a forced way. However, programming gives them the ability to control their future. Programming allows them to create a world where there are no pre-defined paths, where there is only one way to accomplish things, and builds confidence by showing that they can create their own unique ways, build problem solving in the way own.

Programming teaches critical thinking and enhances problem-solving skills

Programming is like a game of Chess, where you have to think a few steps ahead and all the possible steps that your opponent can play against you. Programming teaches children to think about the end result and how to divide large tasks into many small tasks. When children learn to program, they are taught to overcome difficult tasks and achieve amazing results by teaching them “How can I break this problem into small pieces that are manageable in order to reach the end result where I I have to be "

Programming teaches storytelling

Creating computer games teaches children the skills of how to unfold stories through games and share them with others. The more space we give children to create creative games the more they will impress us with their imagination.

When you learn to program, you program to learn

Programming is a new form of writing, a form that enables you to write new things, from games to interactive stories, animations and simulations. And in the process of creating these new things, children learn not only about computer science, they learn problem-solving strategies, project design and communication of ideas. Skills that are necessary for everyone.

Digital School is a certified school in Prishtina, with experts in the field that enables learning programming for children aged 7 - 15 years. You can register your child from the form below and we will contact you for details.